14 April 2005

My Testimony of Christ, the Saviour.

Current mood: irreverent

Jesus Christ is my Lord, my Saviour, my Redeemer, my closest friend. He has redeemed my soul from hell. He is with me through his abiding presence by the Holy Spirit of promise. I love him with all my heart. He gave me a new heart, took from me the disposition for sin, and inspires me to a godly walk. I don't want to do anything to offend him or to disappoint him. He is the Saviour of all mankind, and will have mercy on as many as repent and come unto him, but will not force a soul against his or her will. For such he must exact the full demands of justice for their foolish deeds.

My soul rejoices in the Lord, my heart sings praises to his holy name. He is the great Creator, who formed the beautiful flower, the cycles of life. He is the gentle healer, the master of my course in life. He is kind and meek. He is humble and powerful. He is brilliant and intelligent. He is funny. He is very serious. He loves us with an endless love and beckons all to come to him, turning none a way who will come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits. To such he personally administers (from beyond the veil) the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost, giving them a new heart. They are born again.

I have been born of God, and I have no other desire but to serve him all the days of my life and to bring glory to his name. I worship him with all my might. He is the source of truth and light.

Though I may struggle through grief and pain, he succors me and guides me, and rebukes me and loves me, and directs my path. His yoke is easy, and his burden is light. He is with me right now as I write this. The tears which flow freely from my eyes and the peace that is in my heart tells me that.

I love you, Lord Jesus. Be with me always. I am yours forever.

All praise and honour and glory be thine forever and ever.

I say these things in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


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