31 March 2005

The Final Terri Schiavo Post.

Current mood: relieved and still confused

I guess my biggest question and point of confusion would be extreme right-to-lifers, as I just don't understand that philosophy. If you have seen my page, then you would prob understand that I am quite the liberal.

Hmmmm . . . All the doctors that actually reviewed Terri - personally, argued she was in a persistent vegetative state, unable to respond to outside stimuli. When it appeared as though she was responding, the docs chalked it up to reflex.

See, my mother had a stroke in January and passed away like a week later, and I saw her every day. When we were around - I also saw her respond to stimuli, but I knew what she was like before - and I could tell, although she was responding, it was not what I would call a normal response. As a result, we let her go. It seemed to us - as members of her family - she was not the mom we knew and let her go to ease all our pain.

So - the response from Terri's parents does not make sense to me. Regardless of the severity of her unresponsiveness, she was not what they knew as their daughter. It makes sense to me they, especially as Catholics, would want her to go peacefully, and not have to suffer as she did. The fact they allowed her to stay in that state as long as they did seems very bizaare and frankly, quite selfish. Were they truly looking out for Terri's best interests, as they claimed in every judicial appeal, or for their own self interests? After all - the conservative idea is, "The greatest societal good results from the greatest individual greed."

I guess that is it. I just don't understand.

Here are my wishes, now this chapter is closed:

1- We, as a society can learn from this. Autonomy and individual freedoms should be revered. Faith in family and our system should not be questioned inasmuch as it is faith that keeps systems working.

2- Please, can we see death as a means to celebrate the life of the person who has passed. I do not believe death is a time for sadness. I think when someone leaves this world, we should take a few moments and reflect on what we will miss - grieve the passing, and begin to recognize the legacy that person will leave. Move on. . . Accept the passing as inevitable, (we all will die,) and use our time to appreciate what this person has done for all those with whom he or she has influenced.

3- Appreciate what Terri's families - both the Schaivos and the Schindlers - have gone through. Respect both sides and if you lean one way or the other, please try to be sympathetic to those with which you may disagree.

Bye Terri. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to address my thoughts and attempt to put a little of myself out there.


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