21 July 2004

Oakley Reel Film Society

A.T.* - a student from the school - approached me a few weeks ago and said she wanted to establish a movie club. She had said that she had already spoken with Isaac, and he passed on my name and told her to get with me to figure out how to do it officially, as I am a movie guy. Well, she and H.S.* spoke with me and we got the ball rolling.

We discussed things about timing, what to watch, where - you know - logistics. We decided on calling ourselves the "Oakley Reel Film Society." Pretty catchy, eh? Our first screening is to be, Focus, directed by Neal Slavin, on Friday, 23 November. I decided to create an e-mail address for the Society, and it took like 20 bloody minutes for me to actually get an account set up. I tried to use Yahoo!, but for birthdate - I put 2000, which yahoo ascertained was too young for an aotumatic account, so they then required I use a credit card to PROVE I am over 18. Well - duh. Then, they used their damn cookies to block me from opening an account without a credit card, which in turn created too much work for me anyway ! ! !

So - screw Yahoo!, I went to MSN - (oh joy - love that tyranny,) and set up a hotmail account. So now the Oakley Reel Film Society can be reached at oakleyreelfilmsociety@hotmail.com. But - I gotta tell you - the hotmail set-up was nearly just as bloody painful. But at least it is done. OK - now I am off to paint the baby's room.

*Names of the kids have been changed for obvious reasons.


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