29 April 2005

A Little More Political Rabble.

Mood: Quixotic

You know, I am all about the ideology of anarchy and extreme thought. . . Hell - I would even wager I am all about Right-Wing ideology, too. Why, you may ask? Because they are ideologies. Thought processes. Ideas floating around in peoples' brains. They are safe there. People can't get hurt.

When I hear people actually give their heart and support to a cause that would hurt humanity, I have to question their sanity. Being a left-wing idealist makes sense. Having issues with our governors makes sense. Being utterly pissed off and made to look like a fool, as an American, every time that idiot of a President opens his trap makes sense. But - advocating Revolution?

Here's the scoop - I would advocate for a socio-political Revolution. Shake up the minds and souls of those who are in power. Elect a nation of Bernie Sanders. That might get us somewhere. Kill them all and let the world sort it out? How backwards is that?

We have been around for what, 25,000? 30,000 years or something? I think we did pretty well the first 80% of that time when it came to sheer survival. What have the last 5000 - 6000 years brought? An ability to think, process, learn, grow, civilize, love, share, dream, wish, rationalize, hope, feel . . . These are the characteristics that differentiate us from the rest of the world.

We should utalize those gifts. Actually learn how to do those things FOR our fellow man. Not in spite of. We are a world OF people - a collection of individuals just trying to get along. Unfortunately, there are a few of us who do not want to get along with the masses. They are the elite - they have themselves . . . Hell they think we actually owe them something just for being who they are. The Bushes, Cheneys, DeLays, Lays, Frists, Kerrys, Rockefellers, Trumps, Gates, Kennedys, - most (but not all, mind you) of the Senate for that matter. . .

Forget that. We have OURSELVES to thank. I am completely happy with who I am. Content - no, happy - yes. Will I continue to grow and evolve? I sure as hell hope so. As I grow, will I argue for a Revolution that advocates killing off those people I mentioned above? Not at all. If it were possible to strip them of their power and resources - thus sharing it with those of us who DON'T have it - would I do that? In a heartbeat. Would I rather they do it themselves? Of course.

Listen folks, we all live on this planet. We all should be trying a little bit harder to make it a better place for everyone. Each of us working toward our own self-interests resulting in the betterment of society as a whole is a sham. Each of us working to better the people around us will result in the betterment of society as a whole.

Do your part, yeah?


Blogger Sarah said...

Hey, hey you...when are you going to write again man? I like to read what you have to say, so get on it. Oh, and I like the word quixotic too.

24 May, 2005 02:38  
Blogger Sideon said...

Hugs to you, baby, and Sarah :)

Happy blogging!


20 January, 2006 16:27  

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