22 April 2005

Nakedness, or what life is all about.

Current mood: peaceful

So, y'all . . . I was wondering, how do you feel about being naked?

I am a fan. If I had my way - I would be naked all the time. Clothing would only exist to keep us warm. Naked at work, naked at school, naked at the grocery store, naked walking through the park, naked at home, naked while browsing through the mall looking at all the shops intent at buying jewelry to decorate your wonderfully formed body newly liberated from the confines of the modern clothing driven market economies.

Wouldn't that make us all happier? I think it would.

Like I said, I am a fan.

We came into this world as free as any creature. I could get political here, but that would turn Jenna off, so I will keep it mundane. As I was saying - freedom to be yourself AS yourself is a freedom for which we all strive. Why then, do we allow ourselves to be constrained by the debilitating morés of society? Hmmmm . . . That is a great question. But, we all do it. I do it. As a matter of fact, I would probably be naked right now if I were not babysitting a non-familial 5 month old. If it were me and Gavin - sure, why not? I am home - that is safe. But, I have another kid here - not mine. Can't be naked. Our society has stigmatized our bodies. It is socially not acceptable, therefore I cannot - and, mind you - would not cross that line.

Well - speaking of kids, I must retreat downstairs and fix lunch for the bebes and my lovely wife.



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