28 June 2006

Brownback Mountain p.s.

The Jackass also voted to limit our Freedoms today -

From the AP: WASHINGTON - The narrow defeat of a proposal to ban flag desecration marks the second time in a month Senate Republicans have lost bids to amend the Constitution in ways designed to inspire social conservatives to vote in the midterm elections

The 66-34 tally on the flag amendment Tuesday was one less than the two-thirds, or 67 votes, required to send it to the states for ratification.

Brownback Mountain voted for it.


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Brownback Mountain

Sam Brownback is a Republican Senator from Kansas. Kansas of all places. This is what this guy believes: God I hate Fascists.

-We're not going to stop until marriage between a man and a woman is protected.

-Make no mistake: if we allow activist judges to redefine marriage it will dramatically alter our society, as it has done in the European countries who are embracing same-sex marriage. Marriage is about our future and about how we raise our children.

Call him and complain. 202-224-6521


27 June 2006

I got a new job.

Hey y'all. . . OK - I am currently still employed at the Oakley School, but I am submitting a resignation letter tomorrow.

I got a job teaching Geography, World History, U.S. History and Civics at the Woodland Hills School, in Murray. Since I live in Sandy - this will be a hell of a lot better of a commute than having to drive to Oakley 5 times a week.

OK - Just an FYI.
